Written by Mitchelle Matheka
Child marriage is any formal marriage or informal union where one or both of the
parties are under the age of 18 years of age. Child marriage affects both the girl child
and the boy child, according to UNICEF girls are disproportionately the most
affected, child marriage is five times more common among girls than boys. Each
year, 12 million girls are married before the age of 18. That is 23 girls every minute.
Nearly 1 every 2 seconds.
Child marriage is a global problem. The highest rates of child marriage (Child
marriage prevalence is the percentage of women aged 20-24 who were first married
or in a union before they were 18 years old) are seen in Niger, Central African
marriage (Women aged 20-24 years who were married before they were 18 years old)
are India, Bangladesh and Nigeria , while Kenya ranks in at number 20.1
According to UNFPA there are a number of factors that promote child marriage.
These factors include gender inequality, poverty, culture, lack of education and
insecurity. Gender inequality is seen in many communities where girls aren’t as
valued as much as boys therefore marrying your daughter at a young age can be
viewed as a way to ease economic hardships by transferring the ‘burden’ to her
husband’s family. Poverty in certain communities can drive families to marry off their
girls to get bride price/dowry.Where poverty is acute, families and sometimes girls
themselves believe that marriage will be a solution to secure their future. In many
cultures in the world when a girls starts to menstruate they are seen as women in the
community and are therefore seen as fit to get married.But as Graça Machel,
widow of Nelson Mandela, says, traditions are made by people – and people can
unmake them.
The consequences of child marriage to the girl child are endless and include illiteracy
and poverty, health issues, domestic violence and many more. Illiteracy arises from
the fact that the girl is taken out to school to get married and have children before
1Source: UNICEF, State of the World's Children, 2017
Child marriage is a major cause of school dropouts in rural areas. Child marriage can cause health issues to the child bride that arises from marital rape and early pregnancy. Marital rape exposes the girl to Sexually transmitted infections such as HIV and also causes emotional distress to the girl.Early pregnancy exposes them to health risks such as obstetric fistulas, premature labour and obstructed labour.
What is being currently done about child marriage? Most countries around the world
have laws that set a minimum marriage age usually set at 18. However many
countries provide exceptions to the minimum marriage, upon parental consent or
authorisation of the court. Despite the strong legal framework that exists their
enforcement is often weak. Some of the common problems faced are; child marriages
often happen outside the law in the case of traditional marriages, underage victims of
child marriage struggle to take their case to court due to their age, knowledge or
resources and birth and marriage registration is weak or non existent.
One of the ways to end child marriage is by educating the community on the issue.
The first step is to educate the girl child. Girls with no education are 3 times as likely
to marry by 18 years old as those with a secondary or higher education. Over 60% of
women (20-24) with no education were married before 18. Girls may not have access
to good education or its too expensive or the parents do not believe in the value of a
good education this almost always inevitably ends in child marriage. Education for
girls can be improved by reducing the cost for school for girls, better proximity to
schools and sensitising the community. Educating the community is also an important
step in ending child marriage. This can be done by dialogue with religious and
community leaders to educate them on the dangers child marriage pose to their girls.
It’s important to note that education for all isn’t the only method that is used to end
child marriage. It is used in conjunction with other methods such as empowering
girls, mobilising families and communities, provide services and establish and
implement laws and policies to effectively end child marriage.